Legislative Assembly Wraps Up - Convention Amps Up!


The 67th Legislative Assembly of the North Dakota Legislature wrapped up in the very early morning hours of Friday, April 27 which marked the 76th day of the session saving four days during the interim if there’s a need to reconvene. While we didn’t get everything we wanted from this session, independent community banking fared well and we will work hard in the interim voicing our advocacy message. I won’t belabor this message with details from the session as you’re probably just starting to recover from my weekly legislative updates the first four months of the year!

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Moving forward, we are beyond pleased to announce ICBND’s 53rd Annual Convention and Exposition which carries the theme “Blazing New Trails”. Your Convention Committee nailed it with this theme as we all find ourselves blazing new trails on the heels of the Covid pandemic which caused the cancellation of last year’s convention. Please mark your calendars for August 16-18 and note the change to a Monday through Wednesday format. We are excited to try a couple new things with this year’s convention and are happy to announce that we will also be joined by our friend Rebeca Romero Rainey, President and CEO of the Independent Community Bankers of America!

It’s time to again get together with our friends and colleagues who we’ve missed dearly and enjoy a fun and informative celebration of community banking in the great state of North Dakota. And don’t forget to pack your western attire, boots and hat for the theme party Monday night. Those boots will become your dancing slippers for the Country Music Band EZ Street on Tuesday evening of the convention!

I hope you all have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you in Bismarck on August 16-18!
