Advocacy Efforts Thanks - Convention Schedule


I hope this message finds you doing well and finding some ways to stay cool during what seems to be an excessively hot and dry summer. Say a prayer for our ag producers especially those scrambling right now to find hay and forage for their livestock. It’s difficult to watch the countryside wilt.   

It’s hard to believe August is already here. Of course, that means your ICBND Convention Committee and staff are in the home stretch of preparation for our 53rd annual convention. We’re excited to be back in convention-mode after the doldrums of pandemic-ridden 2020. I hope you’re planning to attend the convention as it’s still not too late to register! I promise it will be fun and informative. As I’ve reported before, the format for the convention will be a bit different this year with a Monday through Wednesday schedule. And don’t forget to participate in Monday evening’s western theme party and PAC fundraiser which is sure to be entertaining.

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Preparing for the convention also causes us to reflect on our progress this past year. At the federal level, we seem to find ourselves in defense mode as we help to fend off some less than desirable legislative and regulatory initiatives with this new administration and Congress. At the state level, our advocacy efforts have been quite effective this year as we navigated through the 67th Assembly of the North Dakota Legislature. Covid-related liability protections for businesses are in effect that should help ward off frivolous covid-related lawsuits. And we are also involved in the implementation of legislation that would require up to 20 percent of the Legacy Fund principal be invested through, and in, entities operating in North Dakota.

I want to thank all of you who participated in advocacy efforts at the state and federal level in our continued push to help community banking thrive. I also want to thank the ICBND Board of Directors for their active participation in all things ICBND this past year. And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Chad Aberle for his dedicated service this past year as your ICBND Chairman. Your common-sense leadership and friendship have been a gift to me and the association.

I hope to see you all on the 16th in Bismarck!
